Here are some of the hidden beauty benefits of betel leaves

 There are some habits that are not approved by many people. And one such habit is the habit of chewing pan. Not many people approve of this.

Yes, chewing on betel leaves is not something that many approve of, but using betel leaves for your beauty regime is something that you should consider. Betel leaves have some amazing beauty and health benefits, that are not known to many.

If you are planning to add something new to your beauty regime and want to try something organic, then here’s how betel leaves can help you with it. Keep on reading to find out some benefits of this herbal leaf.

Here are some ways in which betel leaves can make you look more gorgeous.

Curbs hair-fall

Ayurveda recommends using betel leaves for hair fall-related issues. Here is a recipe for a lotion that you can apply to your scalp. Grind betel leaves with sesame or coconut oil and apply the paste to all sections of the scalp. Leave it on for at least an hour before you shampoo it off.

Great for oral hygiene

Suffering from bad breath? Start chewing on a betel leaf after meals. Paan refreshes your breath and kills germs. The leaf is also used from ancient times to prevent tooth decay and strengthen gums. Boil betel leaves in water and uses the decoction to rinse out your mouth.

Acne Buster

The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties in betel leaves are great for treating the symptoms of acne. Wash your face with a decoction of betel water or apply a paste of betel leaves and turmeric to your face and wash off. Do this twice a day, especially after you come back home.

Itch reliever

The soothing property of betel leaves gives much relief if you are prone to rashes and allergies. Boil 10 leaves and remove them from the fire just as the leaves turn limp. This water can then be mixed in your bath water or as a soak for itchy extremities. The anti-inflammatory properties of the wonder leaf will reduce itching and swelling.

Bans body odor

The juice of betel leaves or betel leaf oil added to your bath water will keep you feeling fresh and will kill the odor-creating germs on your body. Consuming a drink made with a few betel leaves soaked in boiled water regularly, detoxifies the body and kills all kinds of unpleasant body odors.

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