Notification - African Swine Fever disease







No. VET(G) 91/2020/Pt/151 Dated Shillong, 26 th April, 2022

Based on the test result of pig samples dated 13.4.2022 received from North Eastern

Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department,

Khanapara, Guwahati and confirmation of African Swine Fever outbreak in Meghalaya vide their

letter No AHC-107/NERDDL/ASF/Test Result/2020-21/143, dated 13 th April, 2022 and with the

view to prevent, control and eradicate the scheduled disease, in exercise of the power conferred

under the Section 6 and Section 20 of the Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious

Diseases in Animals Act, 2009 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Act’) the Governor of Meghalaya

is pleased to declare the village of “UMSHORSHOR” Umsning Block Ri-Bhoi District as

‘epicentre’ of African Swine Fever disease.

As per the National Action Plan for control, containment and eradication of African Swine

Fever prepared by the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of

India, the restrictions as mentioned hereunder are applicable with immediate effect in the

villages under 1 (one) kilometre radius surrounding infected premises (epicentre of disease)

designated as “Infected Zone” and in all villages falling under 10 KM radius surrounding infected

premises (epicentre of disease) designated as “Surveillance Zone”.

Restrictions in the Infected Zone

1. No live pigs or pig feed or pork and pork products shall be allowed to be taken out of or

brought into the infected zone.

2. There should not be any movement of pig associated supplies (veterinary medicine, feed

equipment, breeding tool etc.) from Infected Zone.

3. All equipments/supplies associated with pig should not be moved out of the pig

sheds/pig farms.

4. The pig farm owners and pig handlers shall maintain hygiene and bio-security in pig

farms and restrict entry of people into farm premises.

5. There shall be restriction of movement of people to the infected premises.

6. There shall be complete prohibition of movement of pig handlers from one pig shed to


7. Vehicles shall be allowed to move out of the infected zone only after cleaning and


8. If pigs are swill-fed, the source of the swill feed should be traced for identification of

other possible contact premises.

9. No person is allowed to take out any pig alive or dead which is infected or suspected to

be infected from African swine fever.

10. No person is allowed to take out any pig feed or bedding materials or other materials

namely carcass, skin or other parts or products of such animals which has come in

contact with any animal infected or suspected to be infected from African swine fever.

11. The carcasses shall not be allowed to move out of the infected premises and shall be

disposed in the infected premises itself.

12. In case of exception where the carcass disposal is not possible, the transport of

carcasses should be undertaken by the agencies under control of District Veterinary

office following strict biosecurity protocols and using leak proof vehicle.

13. Carcasses should be disposed of by deep burial with sufficient lime cover only and not to

be thrown in rivers/streams/water bodies.

14. After the carcasses have been disposed of, the premises and any potentially

contaminated vehicle and equipment shall be cleaned and disinfected under supervision

of Veterinary Officers/Rapid Response Team (RRT).

15. Preliminary disinfection of infected premises should be carried out under direction and

supervision of Veterinary Officers/Rapid Response Team (RRT).

16. Secondary disinfection shall be carried out by owner in accordance with direction of

Veterinary Officers/Rapid Response Team (RRT).

17. Contaminated feed, slurry, swill, bedding, farm waste products, litter in infected premises

shall be disposed of by deep burial.

18. There shall be complete ban on slaughter of pigs and sale of pork and pork products in

Infected Zone.

19. Swill feeding (kitchen and restaurant waste) of pigs is prohibited.

20. Pig markets and abattoirs in infected zone should strictly be closed down.

21. The District Veterinary Officer and RRT shall take steps locally to ensure that everyone

in and around infected zone is made aware of the restrictions and requirements in force


22. Local institutions such as Municipalities, village Dorbars, Dolloi, Headmen, Nokmas etc,

shall assist the Veterinary Officers/RRT in discharge of their duties and take necessary

measures to prevent the outbreak or spread of disease as provided under Section 30 of

the Act.

23. Whoever places or causes or permits to be placed in any river, lake, canal or any other

water body the carcass or any part of the carcass of any animal which at the time of

death was known to be infected with ASF, shall be guilty of any offence and on

conviction, be punished in the cases of a first offence with fine of two thousands rupees

or with imprisonment of one month in case of non-payment of fine and in case of

subsequent conviction with a fine of five thousands rupees or imprisonment for a term

which may extend to three months or with both as provided under Section 33 of the Act.

24. Under Section 40 of the Act every Competent Officer, Director, Animal Husbandry &

Veterinary Department and Veterinary Officer while exercising any power or performing

any duty under the said Act shall be deemed to be public servant within the meaning of

Section 21 of the Indian Penal Code.

Restrictions in the Surveillance zone

1. Movement of live pigs from surveillance zone to infected zone is prohibited.

2. Movement of pigs within the surveillance zone is permitted.

3. There shall be complete ban on inter-state and inter-district movement of pigs.

4. All equipments/supplies associated with pigs in infected zone should not be brought

to the surveillance zone.

5. Carcasses should be disposed of by deep burial with sufficient lime cover only and

not to throw in rivers/streams/water bodies.

6. Movement of manure, slurry and other pig wastes is not permitted although it can be

licensed for transport for disposal.

7. The pig farm owners and pig handlers shall maintain hygiene and bio-security in pig

farms and shall restrict entry of people into farm premises.

8. There shall be complete prohibition of movement of pig handlers from one pig shed

to another.

9. Trucks and vehicles that have carried live pigs or other livestock or material which

may be contaminated with ASF are prohibited from leaving premises of the

surveillance zone unless undergone cleaning and disinfection.

10. Swill feeding (kitchen and restaurant waste) of pigs is prohibited.

11. Waste from slaughter houses and pork stalls has to be disposed of properly by deep


12. Movement of pork and pork products from surveillance zone to free zone is


13. No animal gathering in surveillance zone is allowed to have pigs present.

14. Clinical surveillance for suspected sign/illness/death suggestive of ASF and sample

collection shall be done.

15. The Divisional Forest Officer, Wildlife Division shall control and manage wild boars in

forest area surrounding infected zone and surveillance zone.

Preventive measures in Free Zone (area outside the surveillance zone)

The following measures shall be enforced in Free Zone where ASF is not present to prevent

entry of these diseases, as under:-

1. The pig farm owners and pig handlers shall maintain hygiene and bio-security in pig

farms and shall restrict entry of people into farm premises.

2. Avoid contacts and ensure cleaning and disinfection at control points (such as entry to

farm and between sheds ), restrict movement of vehicle on/off farm and control the

disposal and collection of fallen stock and other waste.

3. Pig holders shall be advised to confine their pigs.

4. There shall be no movement of pigs, meat and feed from infected zones and

surveillance zones into the Free zones.

5. Entry of pork meat and pork products from other zones into Free Zone is prohibited.

6. It is prohibited to feed meat to pig (from slaughter or kitchen waste)

7. Swill feeding (kitchen and restaurant waste) of pigs is prohibited.

8. Pig owners shall take preventive measures to prevent transmission of disease from wild

boars, scavenging and stray pigs.

9. Monitoring the health of pigs for symptoms of the disease and follow regular

management practices like deworming etc.

10. Surveillance for ASF shall be carried out to provide assurance of continued disease

freedom in the area.


(GHP Raju)

Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya

A.H & Veterinary Department

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